How to get help with disputes over your garden fence?

All the joy and relaxation which your garden gave you is often ended into disputes with your next-door neighbours. How many times have you heard that someone has had problem with his/her neighbours because the garden fence is too high or too low, painted in a colour which doesn’t suit the neighbour or because neighbour claims that one section of the fence is higher more than he wish.
If you have never had a problems with your neighbour regarding the fence then you may consider yourself to be one of the few lucky persons in UK. Majority of people have found themselves in that situation and they were forced to find the solutions and help in resolving the issue. Following are some of the ways to deal with this problem when all your attempts to convince your neighbour on certain point got flop.
Talk to the landlord
If you are having problems with your neighbour who is a tenant then the first thing to do is to talk to the landlord. This person should be familiar with all the boundaries and exact measurements of the garden and can be helpful for both sides. Sometimes landlord does not want to get in the middle but you should be persistent in your efforts to organise a meeting between the three of you and resolve the problem in that way.
Contact your local council
Your local council can also provide you help in that case when the hedge is too tall, affecting your property or the enjoyment at your home or the garden. You simply fill the complaint form and send it to your council. Or if you want to be pro-active then contact the council directly and see what they can be done for said situation.
Consult a solicitor
If the fence problem is related to the boundaries issue then you should go for solicitor who will help you in legislative matters. Although it may not seems to be a major issue at the moment but it is the most common reason of dispute in many houses. So, normally the solicitors are hired to resolve the said problem. By following the advice of your solicitor, you can talk to your neighbour once again and prove that your standings are supported by legislation. For
Turn to the Court
The last and hopefully not the only resort in dealing with fence disputes with your neighbours is the Court. If your neighbour is too stubborn and neither want to accept any of your given solution and nor want to discuss the current issue with you then you can take him to the Court.
Such cases are not rare in the court but it rarely bring anything good. In such case, relations with your neighbour are destroyed and the court process may last for a long period of time. By the time the court procedure ends, you may be completely tired of everything and wondering was it worthy. For Bristol Fencing company call today.
Before going to the court, try to talk to your neighbour – Golden words open an iron door (Chinese proverb).